
White fluffy clouds

White fluffy clouds

Clouds grey and white,
What a beautiful sight,
Clouds soft and fluffy,
Don’t they look puffy,
Clouds lofty and wispy,
Water droplets so misty,
Clouds billows upon billows,
Comfortably soft as pillows.

Like sails in the sky,
As the wind blows them by,
Floating in the atmosphere,
So far and yet so near,
The sky is nature’s canvas,
Capturing clouds as they pass,
Each cloud is a masterpiece,
Painted by nature piece by piece.

Watch any floating cloud,
My mind fills with little doubt,
Transient they may be,
They never fail to intrigue me,
Stimulating my mind visually,
Holding me captive easily,
Letting my imagination run wild,
Like a little child..