Ode To My Father

It has been quite a long time since I last watched a Korean movie. Last night, I decided to watch the Korean blockbuster “Ode To My Father”, currently the second highest-grossing film in the history of Korean cinema.

Ode to My Father (Hangul: 국제시장) is a 2014 South Korean generational epic capturing more than half a century of recent Korean history through the eyes of an ordinary man as he experiences events such as the Hungnam Evacuation of 1951 during the Korean War, the government’s decision to dispatch nurses and miners to Germany in the 1960s, and the Vietnam War.

Ode to my father

Ode to my father

Directed by Yoon Je-kyoon and starring Hwang Jung-min and Yunjin Kim, it tugs persuasively on the heartstrings, culminating in the tear-jerking reunion between the man and his long lost sister during the live TV broadcasts aimed at reuniting families displaced by the Korean War. I challenge you to remain composed through that scene. That scene truly jabs at the tear ducts and you may want to keep tissues on hand.

A scene from the movie

A scene from the movie

Each sequence is masterfully calibrated for maximum effect and mines human drama to undeniable effect, emotionally connecting with audiences.

I won’t reveal the story as it would spoil your enjoyment of the movie. Head to Chop Soon Seng on the first floor of Boulevard Shopping Complex to buy a copy of the movie.Below is trailer of the movie:

YouTube Preview Image

Enjoy the movie, folks!