Shadow And Light


Shadow & Light

Shadow & Light

Shadow always owes its birth to light,
Without light shadow is snubbed outright,
That’s why we should never fear shadows,
Banish your fears out of the windows.

Light gives of itself very freely,
Light can be stark and can dance wildly,
Whenever light shines shadows follow,
Our fears of shadows become hollow.

We have within us our special light,
Hiding deep inside us out of sight,
Shadows lurk within our fearful soul,
Like fertile land for Satan to sow.

Shadows we must never ever fear,
For they mean a shining light is near,
Just when we want to give up the fight,
At the darkest moment comes the light.

Live not in the shadow of your soul,
Never let doubts and fears take their toll,
In faith light shines for those who believe,
In God’s grace we can rejoice and live.

One comment

  1. Fantastic, Chin Yong. Parallelism.