The Rainbow

Rainbow (Photo credit: Anna Lango

Rainbow (Photo credit: Anna Lango)

Amazing display of light in a continuous spectrum,

A multi-coloured arc that spans the sky,

Where the colour array is never random,

A dispersion of light in water droplets up high.


God’s covenant of sunshine and peace,

A showcase of His grace,

His love flows with such ease,

Inviting us into His embrace.


Rainbow is the smiling daughter of the storm,

Apologising for the father’s anger,

Each time it is born,

The world seems to have averted some danger.


In the rainbow I see an inverted smile,

And when you see the world upside down,

The rainbow seems to smile,

Helping you ease your frown.


Rainbows in the clouds,

Remind us of hope in our dreaded moments,

So banish your doubts,

Unshackle yourself from your torments.


Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud,

Help colour their world bright,

Let the songs of joy ring out loud,

Assure them that everything is going to be alright.


If you want the rainbow,

You must put up with the rain,

When your days are filled with sorrow,

You must put up with the pain.


Rainbow comes after the rain,

Never give up when you are in despair,

Happiness comes after the pain,

For life is never fair.


  1. Beautifully crafted. The rainbow is indeed a reminder to believers that the world will never again be destroyed by water. Gid bless.

    • Thanks Tingang. I have 18 poems lined up to be published on my blog on a one post per day basis (except for April 1 when I have 2 poems).

  2. What a beautiful picture – and encouraging words Chin Yong. God bless you and prosper you and your family. Hope your mom is holding up.

    • Thanks Ramy. My mum has so far been coping well and has defied the prediction of the specialist. I pray that God will continue to be kind to her.