Why Do We Get Goosebumps?



Mr Goosebumps is a funny unpredictable fellow,

He can appear when you are feeling mellow,

And when you’re frightened or feeling cold,

He may also make his call.


His real name is Cutis Anserina,

But he is neither cute nor a ballerina,

He answers to a lot of funny names,

Goose flesh, goose pimples, chill bumps and  funky spots add to his fame.


Fear, coldness, excitement, admiration, sexual arousal and euphoria,

Sometimes also a deep sense of nostalgia,

Mr Goosebumps’ favourite candidates,

When he’s looking for a date.


Walking down an aisle during a wedding,

Standing on a podium listening to a national anthem after winning,

Listening to a romantic song that brings back a flood of memories,

Watching horror movies and reading scary stories.


Mr Goosebumps’ visit is a sympathetic nervous system reaction,

Linked to a flight-or-fight response activation,

The subconscious release of a stress hormone adrenaline,

That sends our miniature hair muscles reeling.