Miri’s Water Woes

Poor poor Miri residents

Their lives turned upside down by the water disruption incidents

A burst pipe is all it takes

Creating havoc in its wake.

Lots of Mirians are blaming LAKU

It’s difficult for them to keep their cool

Even taking bathe seems to have become a luxury

Life has become such a misery.

Toilets stink like hell

Things are not going well

Answering calls of nature

Are like a little torture.

As taps run dry in Miri

Drinking water becomes a worry

Shops are running out of bottled water

It isn’t a laughing matter.

Water tankers are despatched for water distribution

To help alleviate the situation

With water woes affecting at least 65,000 houses

You really can’t blame Mirians for their grouses.

Laundry shops with water supply are packed with customers

The anger of many Mirians simmers

It ain’t easy coping with the water shortage

Made worse by some unscrupulous businesses taking advantage.

Water storage containers are selling like hot cakes

Some residents are taking their bathe in rivers and lakes

Collection of rainwater is a good option

To help alleviate the situation.

Mirians are trying their best to cope with the water cuts

But some are going nuts

We can only pray for a timely conclusion to the repair

Or else Mirians will be overcome by a feeling of despair.