Happy Oxspicious ‘Niu’ Year

Today is the first day of the Year of the Metal Ox. As we welcome this ‘ (New) Year, we must bear in mind that the ox is a strong hardworking animal. The ox denotes hardwork, loyalty, honesty and trustworthiness. These are the ox’s good attributes we should emulate as we leave behind a very difficult 2020 and look ahead to face any new challenge that may arise!

Happy 'Niu' Year

Happy ‘Niu’ Year

2021 is a metal year of the five Taoist elements fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. In feng shui, the metal environment is clean, pristine, pared down, and shiny like metal. Will the Year of the Ox be a bull run year? Will silver and gold soar? But I believe Bitcoin will continue to soar!

Few of us were sorry to bid farewell to the Year of the Rat, a year characterized by the global COVID-19 pandemic. For those who follow the Chinese new year, the close of the tragic and tumultuous Year of the Rat is now behind us. We all look forward to a better year as we usher in the”Niu” Year.

This new year is no longer a normal new year. For the first time, most of us will not be doing much visiting. The pandemic has forced us to change the way we celebrate the Lunar New Year. I will be mostly spending my time at home catching up on my reading, with occasional outings to do some bird photography.

A lot of single people will be missing out on their angpows due to limited visiting. One way around this is to go digital and hopefully get some angpows through DuitNow, e-wallet or bank transfers. But most will feel shy to ask for angpows online.

Happy “Niu” Year and may this new year be an “oxspicious” year for you all!