Heaven On Earth

There’s a heaven on earth but we are so caught up with our busyness that we fail to experience it. It has been said that the heaven on earth map is in our soul and the road is in our mind.

It is when we choose not to focus on what is missing in our lives but are grateful for the abundance in our life that we experience heaven on earth.

I am grateful for the abundance in my life – family, health, love, friends, the joys of bird photography, reaching out to others, books and personal pursuits that bring me pleasure. These abundance let me experience heaven on earth.

The followings are instances where I experience heaven on earth:

Hearing my 22-month old granddaughter Kayla calling me grandpa during video calls, this is heaven on earth.

Writing a good blog article, and wondering where the words came from, this is heaven on earth.

Reading a good thriller and wondering how the author could possibly create such an igenious  plot with so many twists, this is heaven on earth.

Listening to  a great piece of music and feeling myself immersed in a very relaxed mood, this is heaven on earth.

Capturing a lifer on my camera while on my birding outing, this is heaven on earth.

Watching an amazing sunset after a tiring day, this is heaven on earth.

A long lost friend contacting me out of the blue, this is heaven on earth.

Strangers approaching me in parks saying they love my photography that I share on Facebook, this is heaven on earth.

Heaven is all around you, but do you stop to notice it? What will you do right now to create your own heaven?