Passion In Our Life

A great boon to happiness is to have passion – whether it is reading, video games, photography, stamp collecting, singing, investing, or whatever.

Your passion in life is an affirmation of your values, reminding you what’s most important to you outside of your other obligations. It allows you to enjoy something that’s all yours, recharges your life, and instills a deeper sense of meaning to your life beyond simply existing. When you are feeling disheartened, stressed or unhappy, your passion can be your refuge and your solace.

My passions are photography, reading and researching cryptocurrencies. I am not an expert in photography or cryptocurrency but that does not matter.  I just enjoy doing these in my free time and at my own level. I consider myself a very amateur photographer. I don’t need to impress others with my passions. What matters most to me is that I get enjoyment or meaning from them. I have a great love for bird photography and it always thrill me whenever I photograph a bird for the first time.

My passions

My passions

I cannot always find time or energy to keep up with my passions. Life happens. I get busy. I have to leave my passions aside from time to time. I devote the bulk of my free time to photography and cryptocurrency. Reading has taken a back seat though I try to squeeze some time to read some books every month. I would love to engage in more reading but photography and photo editing consume too much of my free time.

My passions give me something in common with other people, and so fosters social bonds. Through my photography, I have got to know fellow photographers who have become my friends. I share my photos on Facebook and it is really heartening when strangers approach me in parks telling me that they enjoy viewing my photos on Facebook. My passion for cryptocurrency has strengthened the bonds with a few friends with similar interest in cryptocurrency. Reading has been a passion of mine since I was young. It is great to share books with friends and relatives who love reading too.

I see a lot of people living day-to-day simply going through the motions. They seem to have no passion for anything. To me, that is an incredibly boring way to live your life.