Remember The Lotus

Remember the lotus flower

Remember the lotus flower

The lotus flower is bursting in symbolism,
Lifting people out of their pessimism,
The bud of the lotus symbolizes potential,
The lotus flower represents things spiritual.

The life of the lotus is so unusual,
Its ascent from the murky water is gradual,
Above the water the flower pod surfaces,
Pushing aside muck as it is put through its paces.

The lotus slowly opens each beautiful petal,
The inner lotus has never seen a drop of dirty water,
Representing an awakening, enlightenment and spiritual growth,
Towards the warmth and light of truth it grows forth.

The lotus can be thought of as an awakened mind,
In pristine bloom beautiful, strong and kind,
Revitalised despite the obstacles,
Its life journey is filled with miracles.

Never adhere ourselves to the dirt of life,
In our surroundings adversities and negativity are rife,
Let the beauty of our hearts speak,
Wisdom, kindness, compassion and purity of body and mind we seek.